Spring Updates & The Benefits of Vinyl Siding

New vinyl siding can make a world of difference in the appearance of your home, but there are some options if you’re not ready to get your siding replaced.

Why Choose Vinyl Siding?

Old style aluminum siding can be easily dented or buckled from age and normal wear and tear. Since vinyl siding is now the norm, replacement boards of aluminum siding can be very difficult to find. Over time, aluminum siding can “bake” in the sun. This can cause a chalky residue to build up on the siding. The sun can also alter the color of the siding. Vinyl siding is much more durable and will not dent the way aluminum does. It holds its color and will never need to be painted. In fact, Mastic, the siding manufacturer, warranties their vinyl siding against sun fading for life.

White Corner Posts

Vinyl Siding Corner PostsNot ready to take on a full siding job? Installing white corner posts may be the way to go. We can leave all of the original siding, but make the corners white. This is a good way to update the “look” of your siding without taking on a full project. New white corner posts can be installed right over your old corner posts. This is also a great way to have white downspouts blend in, instead of being an eyesore. Although this is a simple project, it is best to have a professional siding installer take care of it for you.

Siding Accents

New siding styles can help add texture and appealing accents to your home. These styles of siding can be installed on the entire house or one specific area. Adding scallops or vinyl shakes adds instant curb appeal. Some homeowners choose to add shingles or shakes to the front. Scallops look great when added to A-frames. Adding accents is more budget-friendly and less costly than redoing all siding on the house.

Decorative Siding

If you’re located in the Greater Philadelphia Area, South Jersey, or at the Jersey Shore, contact Emmons today for a free quote. Contact Us